
Appleton Chapel.

Last evening Rev. M. J. Savage took for his text "The Lord is good to all." He said: That life is good in which satisfaction outweighs its opposite. Because a man falls short of his ideal is no sign that his life is bad. Those only who are extremely conceited or who have no high ideals ever feel perfectly satisfied with their work. A man's pleasure is not in what he has done but in the doing. The existence of moral evil and death do not prove that the Lord is not good to all. The experience of pain is necessary for an experience of pleasure. Death frees the wheels of life from the clogs. Man gets tired of a continuous striving, and death makes room for the thousands who are better able to help on the progress of the world. If, as we all believe, death is but the birth-hour of another better and brighter existence, death is not an evil but a blessing.

During the evening the choir sang the following anthems: O, 'twas a Joyous Sound-Parker; Come, Now, Let Us Reason-Briant; Holy, Holy-Stainer.
