
Track Athletics.

Harvard Men who are Entered in the B. A. A. Games.

Most of the men who have been training for the Mott Haven team since Christmas have had the B. A. A. games of February 14 in view. As usual a number of Harvard men have entered-in fact three times as many men are entered from the Harvard Athletic Association as from any other athletic association-so Mr. Lathrop says.

The games of February 14 will be held at the Irvington Armory (the First Regiment Armory) on Irvington Street in Boston, and will commence promptly at 8 p. m. The list of events was published in yesterday's CRIMSON.

The Armory in question is especially well adapted for track events, there being a straightaway 75 yards course, and the regular track itself, 9 laps to the mile. The price of admission for spectators will be 50 cents, and for contestants special tickets will be provided free of cost. There will probably be a special dressing room for Harvard men.

The following men are entered for two events: Guerin, Williams, Rothchild, Priest, Dodge, Collamore, Shipleigh, Lakin, Richardson, Prene, Stetson, Hoppin, Lowell, Davis, Ganson, Sawyer, Carter, Kilbreth, Fearing, Hollis, Wright, Cloyes, Williams, Moen, Mullins, Thayer, Batchelder, Thompson, Brown, Carr, G. S. Brown, Carr, F. Allen.

The following are entered in one event: Brackett, Morill, Embick, Corbin, Emerson, McGrath, Finlay, Gay. Bloss, Wells, Jr., J. Hale, Jr., Forsyth, J. O. Nichols, Blake, Whitten, White, Smith, Gade, Hoadley, Cook, Shead, Bean, Allen, Arnold, Bennett, W. C. Nichols, Hochstader, R. S. Hale, Bardeen.


The last includes all men who entered before 6 o'clock last evening. It is very probable that a few more names will be added. The entries are made thus early that they may be forwarded to the handicapping committee of the A. A. U. and the proper handicaps given to each man.
