
Fact and Rumor.

Dr. Sargent has begun the spring athletic examinations.

Kittredge '93, who has been dangerously ill, is much better.

Mr. Cornish, B. A. A., has been hired by the Roxbury Latin School Athletic Association to act as trainer for the games to be held in March.

The average age of the men entering the University of Michigan this year was 17 years 1-2 months; that of the women was 19 years 5-9 months.

It will be impossible to obtain copies of President Eliot's report at the office for some time yet. Only a few copies of the report have been bound and those have all been distributed among the papers.


The university crew rowed in the tank yesterday coached by C. F. Adams 2d. The first crew was made up of Powers, Perkins, Kelton, Cummings, Shaw, Fitzbugh, Vail and Ellsworth.

The Princeton Faculty Athletic Committee are considering the advisability of forbidding students to take part in any outside athletic contests during term time, except in the intercollegiate championship meeting, and in games with other colleges.

After February 14th Mr. Lathrop will have classes at the gymnasium every afternoon in wrestling, tumbling, parallel bar work and horizontal bar work. The especial object of these classes is to develop men for the winter meetings, and Mr. Lathrop wishes the attendance to be large and regular.
