
Crew Notes.

The 'varsity crew went out on the river again yesterday. F. B. Winthrop '91 who has not been training for the crew at all this year, had a seat in the boat; the four '92 men were all in the bow, and the crew was considerably changed from the way it rowed yesterday. It was made up as follows: Stroke, Perkins; 7, Kelton, '93; 6, Vail, '92; 5, Winthop, '91; 4, Rantoul, '92; 3, Powers, '92; 2, Watriss, '92; bow, Jones, '92. Charlie Hart, the janitor of the boat house, steered for the 'varsity, while Adams, L. S., coached from the substitutes' boat, in which were Shaw '94, Bartholomay, L. S., and later on, Lynam, M. S. The new barge which the crew is using is working very satisfactorily.

The junior was the first of the class crews to go out on the river. They rowed yesterday in the following order: Steadman, stroke; Kidder, 7; Stearns, 6; Weed, 5; Newell, 4; Rankin, 3; Hubbard, 2; Chase, bow. Gardner Perry coached this crew, while Captain Porter coached the second crew at the gymnasium.
