
Chess Tournament.

It accidentally happened that the annual Chess Tournament, held by the Chess and Whist Club, and open to all members of the University, was not duly announced. The tournament has therefore been postponed until Dec. 7th. The drawings for the preliminary round will then be made from the name of all those who have at any time entered. Notice of the contestants will be given in the CRIMSON on Dec. 8th, The committee thinks that many men who are interested in chess do not enter because they are not confident enough in their own powers. All such are earnestly requested not to hang back. It is hoped that even more men will enter than has been the case in previous years, and the club looks forward to an especially interesting contest. Especial interest centres in the chess tournament of this year, on account of a new and commendable scheme for intercollegiate contests. Mr. E. A. Caswell of New York, a Yale graduate of 1866, has proposed to subscribe $100 towards a challenge cup to be competed for by Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Columbia. He hopes to raise $100 among the graduates of each of the other colleges, thus offering for competition a cup worth $400. The conditions governing these annual contests will not be decided upon until after the money has been actually subscribed, and the graduates have been assured that all four colleges will take a genuine interest in the affair. So the scheme is still in embryo, but Mr. Caswell is working at it with a good deal of energy, principally with the idea that there should be intercollegiate contests of brains as well as muscle. It is hoped that if the plan succeeds the college will send a team to represent Harvard. All those who enter this tournament may consider themselves candidates for the Harvard delegation to the intercollegiate contest.
