
Christmas Trip of the Musical Clubs.

The arrangements for the Western trip of the glee, banjo and mandolin clubs have been very nearly settled. It was first intended to begin the trip by giving a concert at Washington but the hall which they were to use has since been greatly damaged by a wind storm. Instead therefore it has practically been decided to give the first concert at Philadelphia on the 23rd of December. Possibly something may interfere to alter this plan, but as far can be told now the plan will be carried out. Likewise the second concert at Pittsburg on the 24th is not decided upon certainly. After the Pittsburg concert, the clubs will perform in St. Louis on the 26th, in Minneapolis on the 28th, in St. Paul on the 29th, in Milwaukee on the 31st, and in Chicago on the first of January.

The glee club under the leadership of S. E. Farewell '93, is to consist of the following men: First tenors, W, Weld, L. S., J. W. Davenport, Gr., C. T. Dole '93, S. E. Marvin '93, D. Hoadley '93, E. W. Ryerson '95.

Second tenors. W. F. Brown '92, F. W. Hallowell '93. R. H. Bowles '93, J. W. Folsom '93 and R. L. Whitman '95.

First basses, R. T. Whitehouse L. S., L. F. Berry '92, A. T. Holbrook '92, R. G. Holbrook '92, R. G. Miller '93 and B. Wells '94.

Second basses, E. B. Leavitt D. S., F. Bruegger '92, W. Cary '93, H. A. Cutler '94, H. F. Taylor '94 and J. H. Bell '94.


Accompanist, H. G. Pearson '93.

The banjo club will be made up as follows:

Banjos, F. L. Kennedy '92, G. Stephens Jr. '92, L. E. Osborn '93, A. T. Sears '93, E. P. Merwin '94 and J. S. Stone '95.

Guitars, M. O. Simons D. S., D. P. Hempstead L. S., V. M. Porter '92 and R. P. Hood '94.

The men who will play on the mandolin club are:

Mandolins, S. K. Wood '92, L. Thompson '92, C. L. Schurz '93, B. Wells '94, C. R. Stetson '94 and R. L. Whitman '95.

Guitars, R. T. Whitehouse L. S., D. B. Hempstead L. S., V, M. Porter '92, H. W. Patterson '93, and R. P. Hood '94.

Violin, W. F. Garrison '94.

The clubs will also give a concert in Tremont Temple, Boston, December 18, for the benefit of the crew.
