
Crew Concert.

The concert by the Glee, Banjo and Mandolin Clubs, given last night in Tremont Temple, for the benefit of the University Crew, was a decided success. A very fair sized audience was present and the selections by all the clubs were well received. The programme of the concert, which follows, is the same as the one which will be used on the trip:


1. Glees:

(a) Rhine Wine Song, Mendelssohn.

(b) Two Starlets.


(c) A Hundred Fathoms Deep, Arr. by A. W. Thayer.

Solo by Mr. Bruegger.

(d) Simple Simon, Macy.

2. Apollinaris Polka, R. W. Atkinson '91.

Banjo Club.

3. Glees:

(a) Dearest, Awake! Storch.

(b) Faint Heart Ne'er Won Fair Lady, R. T. Whitehouse '91.

Solo by Mr. Whitehouse.

(c) Man in the Moon's Ball, Carpenter '88.

(d) The Hoodoo, Words by L. F. Berry '92.

Solo by Mr. Berry.

(e) Phantom Band, A. W. Thayer.

Quartette and Club.

4. Serenade - Barcarolle, Monti.

Arr. by Romero.

Mandolin Club.


1. D. K. E. Waltz, L. S. Thompson '92.

Banjo Club.

2. Quartette:

(a) Rosebud Fair, Macy.

(b) Boreen, P. L. Atherton '93.

Messrs. Dole, Berry, Farewell and Bruegger.

3. Glees:

(a) Serenade, Cunradi.

(b) Wing Tee Wee, P. L. Atherton '93.

(c) Holsteiner's Band, R. T. Whitehouse '91.

Solo by Mr. Farwell.

4. Bella Mazourka, Arr. by Luis T. Romero.

Mandolin Club.

5.(a) Johnny Harvard.

(b) Wine and Woman, R. W. Atkinson '91.

Mr. Dole and the Glee Club.

(c) Versatile Baby, Lewis '88.

(d) Fair Harvard.
