
Special Notice.

STUDENTS residing in Baltimore, Washington and other points South or West can secure round trip tickets at reduced rates by applying at office B. & O. R. R., 211 Washington St., Boston, or at



C. E. WHITMORE, JR.,51 College House.LOST. - A note book with name on the inside of the cover. Reward will be paid at Leavitt & Peirce's.

E. B. ADAMS.ROOMS FOR RENT. - Two pleasant well furnished rooms in private family at No. 7 Brown Street, next to corner of Brattle Street.


2tTO LET. - Nicely furnished room with services. Top floor, 410 Harvard Street Price very low.


F. H. GAGE.SALESMEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY. - Permanent paying positions for progressive canvassers. Lon't delay. Write Ellwanger & Barry, Mt. Hope Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.

WANTED - A Harvard man to take a subordinate position in a small private school for boys. Must be of good presence, and ready to take part in sports. Inquire at the office of the Dean, or write to H. B. Learned, Box 615, Plymouth, Mass.

3tDANCING CLASS.NINTH SEASON. - Mr. L. J. Chandler will open a class in Dancing and Deportment for beginners at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 6, at 8 o'clock p.m. Terms, $6 for 12 lessons; $12 for 24 lessons. A course of Germans will be given early in March. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, cor. Main and Inman Sts., Cambridgeport.
