

All seniors whose last names begin with the letters of the Alphabet II to L inclusive, please sit for their pictures at Pach's before the Christmas recess.

'92 PHOTO COMM.WESTERN RATES. - Last chance to join Western Excursion, in Room 3 Matthews, from 10.30 to 12.30 and 4 to 5.30. All who have made application please get tickets today.

G. E. PLUMB, L S.E. W. PINKILAM, '92.ENGLISH C. - Corrected briefs for the second forensic will be returned in Sever 35, at 1.30 and 3.39 p. m., Tuesday, December 15.

ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - Rev. Waldo Burnett will address the Society Wednesday evening, Dec. 16, at 7 o'clock. There will be a business meeting afterwards.



H. SAVILLE, Sec.ALL men who played in the Yale freshman game at New Haven must be at Pach's dressed in their foot ball suits at 2 p. m. on Wednesday.

Holbein, the noted English wheelman, recently succeeded in covering 361 miles and 1,146 yards in 24 hours, with a little more than one hour's rest.

The New England Intercollegiate Foot Ball Association failed to decide the championship between Williams and Amherst, and has virtually disbanded.

Part of the ceiling in Lower Massachusetts fell Tuesday morning during the recitation in History 13. The plaster fell on some empty benches and no harm was done.
