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Those who have had the management of the Sunday evening theatre services for the past two years announce that the services are to be undertaken again this winter, and appeal to Harvard men to assist again in the singing. It is to be hoped that they will receive an encouraging response These theatre services have been very successful in reaching a non-church going crowd and for this reason in particular have been a good thing. Much of their attractiveness, and consequently of their success, depends upon the singing. Harvard men have always been sufficiently interested in the meetings before to furnish a very respectable contingent for the chorus. The same interest should be shown this year; and in order to have the interest organized and effective all men who are willing to sing at the services are requested to send their names at once to the leader of the glee club. It is hoped that the chorus may have more of an organization than it has had in previous years, and in order to secure this it is necessary to know what men can be depended upon. The music sung will all be simple and familiar, so any man who sings at all may feel free to join the chorus. Those who are willing to sing will please send in their names before the end of the term.
