
Price Greenleaf Aid.

As will be seen by the calendar today is the "last day for receiving application from first-year students for Price Greenleaf Aid." As many first-year men may not have a very clear conception of the method of assignment of this Aid we reprint the following extract from the catalogue.

"The income of the Price Greenleaf Fund is distributed in sums of from $100 to $250 a year, ** to undergraduates in the first year of their residence (whether freshmen or students admitted to advanced standing, with or without examination) *** The regular assignment to first-year students in made before or at the time of their entrance, *** but a subsequent assignment will be made to some other first-year students of high standing."

"The recipients of Price Greenleaf Aid may be called upon for service as monitors or assistants to an amount not exceeding four hours a week."
