

ENGLISH C. - Corrected briefs for the second forensic will be returned in Sever 35, at 1.30 and 3.39 p. m., Tuesday, December 15.

THERE will be a meeting of all the men who went to New London with the freshman crew last year, at 25 Beck Hall this evening at 6.45. Important.

J. M. Thompson.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY. - Rev. Waldo Burnett will address the Society Wednesday evening, Dec 16, at 7 o'clock. There will be a business meeting afterwards.


H. SAVILLE, Sec.H. P. C - Rehearsal of principals and chorus at 4.30 sharp


ALL men who played in the Yale freshman game at New Haven must be at Pach's dressed in their foot ball suits at 2 p. m. on Wednesday.
