

HARE AND HOUNDS. - The start will be made promptly at 4 o'clock.

HARVARD GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal at 6.45 sharp. Everyone must be present.

SIGNET. - Initation of the third seven on Friday, December 11, at 8 p. m. All old members are cordially invited.

FRESHMAN BANJO CLUB. - Brookings, Hill, Parker, Reed and Wilcomb please call at 14 Hilton's Block, today (Thursday) between 2 and 2.30 p. m. for music. No rehearsal till further notice.

H. A. A. - There will be a hare and hounds run to-day at 4. On Monday, Dec. 14th, there will be a championship cross-country run.


R. B. BEALS,Sec. H. A. A.FROM TREASURER LIBRARY FUND. - All last year subscribers to the New Library Reading Room Fund whose payments have not already been made will confer a favor by remitting at once to

MOSES WILLIAMS, Treas.,18 P. O. Sq., Boston.YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION. - Rev. Brooke Herford will address the Association at its rooms this evening at 6.30 o'clock. All students are invited to be present.

WILLIAM C. DAMON,Recording Sec.
