
The Graduate Club.

The first regular meeting of the year was held Friday evening in the rooms of the Union Club. Professor Bocher gave an informal talk on "The Last Paris Salons." Discussion and a social meeting with refreshment followed.

The Graduate Club begins this year with a membership of 84, having added 46 new members to its rolls within the past week. Last week Friday the club gave a reception to the members of the Administrative board and to the Graduate School, which was largely attended. The club's outlook for the year is more prosperous than at any time since its foundation, and it bids fair to become a permanent feature of social and intellectual life among graduate students at Harvard.

The officers for the present year are Dr. W. L. Phelps, Yale '87, president; E. D. Roe, Harvard '85; vice-president; H. B. Ward, Williams '85, secretary; E. C. Morey, Syracuse University '84, treasurer.
