
Fact and Rumor.

Political Economy I will meet today in Upper Dane.

Marks in English A will be announced at the third hour sections this week.

The third number of the Lampoon came out on Saturday.

Over 220 new members have been admitted at Memorial since the beginning of the year.

J. A. Parker, A. J. Cumnock, J. P. Lee, and J. Wendell, all of the class of '91, were in Cambridge Saturday.


Winners of prizes in the Freshman and University games can have an inscription of not more than forty letters engraved on their cups by leaving them at Holyoke Store.

On Saturday Yale defeated Wesleyan 76 to 0. No effort was made to kick goals from the touch-downs. Other games were as follows: Princeton 24, U. of P. O; Andover 32, Yale '95, 17; Williams 30, Tech. 0; Manhattan 16; New York 0; B. A. A. 24, Trinity 0; Crescents 28, Orange 0; Amherst 14, Dartmouth 14.
