
Corrected Statistics of the University.

On October 15 the CRIMSON published statistics showing that in the past year Harvard had made unprecedented gains in the number of students. These statistics, however, were necessarily somewhat inaccurate, since the work of the University was hardly under way at that time, so that the final number of students was still unsettled.

The present tables, however, are accurate, being compiled from the proof sheets of the catalogue for 1891-92. For that portion of the college which is governed by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences the present tables do not differ very materially from those already published, and the total for the college alone is the same as before. In all the other departments, however, the gain over the previous tables is quite appreciable, especially in the Law School and the Medical School. This is remarkable, since the growth then recorded for these two schools was surprising. The total gain for the whole University is 411, by the corrected tables, as against 361 by the old ones.

It will be noticed that while the gain of 1890-91 over 1889-90 was but 193, that of 1891-92 over 1890-91 is more than twice as much, - 411:

1889-90 '90-91 '91-92 gain

Seniors, 278 289 271 *18


Juniors, 244 254 304 50

Sophomores, 282 289 331 42

Freshmen, 323 366 381 15

Special Students, 144 141 169 28

Total Undergrad., 1271 1339 1456 117

Law. Sci. School, 65 88 118 30

Graduate School, 107 125 188 63

Total under Fac. of A. and S., 1443 1552 1762 210

Divinity School, 35 41 39 *2

Law School, 254 279 368 89
