
Fact and Rumor.

There will be no lectures in Fine Arts 4 on Saturday.

All the seats for the Yale-Princeton game have been sold.

There are 13 men training for the 'varsity crew.

Marks on the work up to date are out in Latin 2.

Dictation exercises in French 2 commence on Monday.


The next issue of the CRIMSON will appear on Friday morning.

Wesleyan plays the University of Pennsylvania today.

Lake is the only one on the eleven who graduates this year.

By the will of the late John T. DeSellum of Rockville, Md., Princeton Theological Seminary will secure about $21,000.

The freshman eleven is now using the Cary building. Newell '94, is coaching the team.

The list of subjects for the second forensic in English C will probably be posted today.

The engagement of A. B. Nichols '91, to Miss Gertrude Fuller, of Cambridge, has been announced.

There will be no laboratory work in Geol. 5 until next week. Marks for the recent examination are out.

Princeton's record is 12 victories, no defeats, 391 points to 0. Yale's record is 12 victories, no defeats, 477 points to 0.

J. L. Dodge L. S., W. P. Dodge Jr., '95 and A. L. Endicott '94, gave a four o'clock tea yesterday afternoon in Matthews 23.
