
Appleton Chapel.

"The spirit and the bride both say come" was the text of Rev Leighton Parks' sermon last night. Mr. Parks said:

These are the last words of the Bible, yet they sum up all that goes before. To many young men there comes a feeling of dissatisfaction. From this they pass on through a feeling of disgust to a feeling of self consciousness. Such a young man has reached a crises. His soul is on the border land of a great discovery. The real meaning and secret of his being is that his life is allied to the life of God, and that the life of God is ready to express itself. Nothing could satisfy him except the life of God. This is the whole record of human life; from childish innocence through youthful dissatisfaction, disgust aids It consciousness to sonship with God. But there is another call, the call of the bride. The bride is humanity, that humanity where there is no bond or free, white or back, master or servant but one brotherhood of God. This humanity was realized in the of Jesus Christ.

"The spirit and the bride both say come," come to what? come to Jesus Christ, to that part of the divine life that is within you. come into the company of these who have received a little of this divine life. The Spirit calls to "consecrate," the bride to "dedicate." "Consecrate your dedication" Is the united call of the Spirit and the bride.

The choir sing the following anthems: "The Son of God Goes forth to War arranged by Sullivan: What are these that are arrayd in White Robes, Stained; And the city had no need of the Sun, Whitington.
