

'VARSITY NOTICE. - The following men will be dressed ready to play at 3.00 sharp: Mason, Waters, Grant, Highlands, Vail, Bangs, Mackie, Berry, Emmons, Newell, Collamore, Hallowell, Gage, Cobb, Corbett, Lake, Fearing, Gray, Bond, G. B. Pierce, Saltonstall, Rantoul, W. H. Shea, Burgess, White, McNear, Blagden, Robb, Heard, S. Borden, Garrison, Cook '92.

All these men must tackle at their appointed hours.

If any of the above men cannot be ready at 3.00 they must see me at 5 Matthews before noon.

B. W. TRAFFORD, Capt.HARVARD GLEE CLUB. - Rehearsal at 5, in Roberts Hall.

C. T. DOLE.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal at 4.30.


FRESHMAN NOTICE. - Carrol, Davis, Eddy, Potter, Murchie, Whittren, Wrenn, Boyden, Hitch, McNear, Jackson, Webb, Pierce, Reed, Whitman, Phelan, Whittemore, Adams, Wadsworth, must be on Norton's at 3.30 p. m. sharp.

R. L. WHITMAN,Temp. Captain.HARE AND HOUNDS. - There will be a slow run today starting at 4 p. m.
