
Crew Notes.

At a recent meeting of the Executive Committee of the Harvard University Boat Club Corporation, Mr. Henry W. Keyes was elected to serve three years as a member of the Graduate Advisory Committee, and Thomas N. Perkins, L. S., to serve one year in place of Mr. R. C. Perkins resigned. As the Graduate Advisory Committee now stands, H. W. Keyes, C. F. Adams 2nd, and T. N. Perkins, there is every reason to expect more effective results for the benefit of rowing from that source, than at any previous time. It is to be regretted that Mr. H. W. Keye cannot give more time to help rowing matters along; he is always ready, however, to do what he can when his business will permit his absence. C. F. Adams and T. N. Perkins are both in the Law School and will do all in their power to develop winning crews. They have both had valuable experience in rowing and coaching and will do effective work.

At present nothing has been done with the old men; but all the time has been spent upon new material. The work consists of light, plain oar practice and work on the machines. Eight candidates are working every day. Very soon those candidates who have been playing foot ball on their class teams will join the squad and lively work will begin. An earnest and interesting struggle for the positions in the boat may be expected this year.

The freshman crew candidates not playing foot ball have been reduced to about twenty-five in number. It is probable that this number will be retained for some time yet, till the material can be better sorted. Not many strong men appear among this number. It is a little surprising that such a large class should have so few strong candidates for the crew. And of the large men that are trying several will be dropped in favor of the smaller men unless they show that they can and are willing to put a lot of snap into their work. D. F. Jones '92 is on a sharp watch for everything that will go to show the worth of the men for the purpose at hand.


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