
New England Magazine.

To Harvard men, the New England Magazine for October will prove unusually valuable since an extremely interesting article on "James Russell Lowell," by Edward Everett Hale forms the principal feature of the number. Mr. Hale is eminently fitted to write of the dead poet, being, as he was, a fellow-student of Mr. Lowell in 1836-38, and an intimate friend ever since, and to one who is not familiar with Mr. Lowell's life, this article will serve as a delightful introduction. Several pages of the sketch are devoted to an account of Mr. Lowell's life at Harvard, his connections with the college papers and college societies, with lioeral quotations from some of his collegiate poems. Many hitherto unpublished bits of anecdote are interspersed and as a consequence Mr. Hale's article is a reminiscent sketch worth the perusal of every Harvard man.

Other interesting numbers are the first installment of Gen. Butler's autobiography in which he tells of his ancestry and his boyhood, and an illustrated article on the "Public Libraries of Massachusetts."
