
Special Notice.

DINNER room for club of students.

WANTED. - Lyall's Geology and Doyle's Eng. Col. Leave address at CRIMSON office.

WANTED, a room-mate for a desirable room in Matthews. Address,

DAILY CRIMSON.TO LET. - Two large rooms on ground floor, 38 North Ave.

5-7t.A SOUTH and west room to let. Bath room. Apply at 22 Holworthy immediately.


5-2t.GEO. MENDALL TAYLOR teacher of piano-forte and vocal culture. Voices examined. 349 Harvard St.

5-12t.A LARGE pleasant dining room for a club of students, 68 Mt. Auburn St.

ADVERTISER will pay a premium for use of locker in gymnasium.

Address, G. Y. M., careLEAVITT & PIERCE,438 Harvard Street.FIRST class board $3.50, Brattle Square Hotel dining rooms. Private room for clubs $4 50, with either 12 or 5 o'clock dinner. Single dinner 25 cents, breakfast or supper 20 cents. First order cooking-Good food and home cooking. Try us once. Rooms with steam heat.

WM. E. BLANEY,Proprietor.
