
Harvard 16; Dartmouth O.

Saturday afternoon the 'varsity eleven played the first game of the season with Dartmouth. A crowd of two thousand spectators were gathered on Jarvis Field and applauded the teams as they made their appearance. Cranston acted as referee and Dean as umpire. At 3.45 p. m. the teams lined up as follows:

Harvard - Curtis, r.e.; Newell, r.t.; Highlands, r.g.; Rantoul, c.r.; Vail, l.g.; Shea, l.t.; Miller, l.e.; Burgess, qr.b.; Lake, rt. h.b.; White, l.h.b.; Trafford, f.b.

Dartmouth - Barton, r.e.; Bell, r.t.; Abbot, r.g.; Jones, e.r.; Folsom, l.g.; Lake man, (c), l.t.; Hall, e.; McKay, qr. b.; Ide, rt. h. b.; Pollard, l.h.b,; Prince, f.b.

Dartmouth's substitutes were Reed, Dodds, Ames and Curtis. Bell, who played right tackle, was formerly Harvard '92, and played on his freshman base ball team.

Harvard had the east end of the field and the ball. On the start off in the V Burgess carried the ball and made 35 yards with good blocking off. White made 15 more on the first down, bring the ball within 5 yards of Dartmouth's goal line. Lake advanced it 3, and Trafford carried it over, 2 minutes after play began. No goal, score 4-0.


Trafford's kick was wild and Harvard got the ball on the 15 yard line. Failing to advance it the ball went to Dartmouth. Ide and Price made short rushes and Price kicked. Trafford caught it and Lake carried it down 40 yards, when Price tackled him very prettily. White made 5 yards through the centre and Lake 15. A bad fumble gave Dartmouth the ball and Ide gained 35 yards. Harvard got the ball on 4 downs and Lake make 55 yards in a magnificent rush. White advanced it 5 more and Lake carried it over the line. Time 15 minutes. Goal; Score 10-0.

After exchanging kicks Harvard got the ball on Dartmouth's 40 yard lime. One minute more to play. Trafford punted and the ball rolled over the line where Price dropped on it. The second half Saltonstall took Highlands' place in the line, and Gage White's at left half back. After 10 minutes of loose playing Harvard had the ball and Gage made 15 yards. Lake made 10 more followed by a pretty rush of 20 by Gage. Then Lake brought it within 8 yards of the Dartmouth line by a 15 yard rush and Gage carried it over. Goal. Score 16 to 0. In the remaining 5 minutes no score was made.

On the whole the game was not very satisfactory. The work of the 'varsity was unsteady, a series of good rushes being followed by bad passing, fumbling and weak work in the line. The center was the weakest part of the line, Highlands at right guard apparently not being able to take care of his man. On the second half Rantoul improved his play very much. Hallowell did not play on account of a slight injury to his knee, and his clean low tackling was greatly missed Miller got down field well but was easily blocked off when the runner came round his end. Shea played hard and showed promise of much improvement over his last year's play. Lake and Newell played in their old form leaving little to be desired. White rushed well but had hard luck in having the ball passed wildly to him. Gage dodged well and generally gained ground. The great fault of the team was high tackling.
