

H. A. A. - Entries for freshman meeting close at 10 p. m., Oct. 31. Entries for University meeting (handicap) close at 10 p. m., Nov. 4. Every man must be a member of the H. A. A. before competing or witnessing the sports. Secretary's office hours, 11 to 12 every day except Thursday and Saturday. Entries will also be received at the gymnasium from 11 to 1, Friday and Saturday. Men may join there during these hours.

R. B. BEALS, Sec.,25-3t.

23 Weld.WILL the following men act as ushers to keep the crowd back at the class game today: Stearns, Hunt, Lamont, Duane, Powers, Cummin, Codman, Simpkins, Coolidge, Saltonstall, Walker, Lowell, Thorndike, Draper, Brewer, Boardman, Wattriss, Agassiz, Amory, Porter, Batchelder. Be on hand at 3:45.

FRENCH 4. - This course will meet henceforth in Sever 20 instead of Sever 23

F. C. de SUMICHRAST.'94 ELEVEN. - All candidates must be on Norton's at 3.30 sharp.


R. B. BEALS,Captain.HARVARD ELECTRIC CLUB. - A trip will be made this evening to the Edison and Boston Electric Light Stations to which all members of the university are cordially invited. All desiring to go must be at Leavitt & Pierces at 7 o'clock sharp.

T. HOPPIN,Secretary.The following consolation matches must absolutely be played today, or men will be defaulted: 1. Cooley vs. Wylie; 2. Crapo vs. Carpenter; 3 Winner of (2) vs. Lambert; 4. Coues vs. Pier; 5. Winner of (1) vs. Winner of (3).

IN voting tonight for the Board of Directors of the Dining Association, men at general tables will find ballots on a table in the Auditor's room, men at club tables will find them at their tables. All ballots must be delivered at the Auditor's desk before the close of the dinner hour.

ALL candidates for the freshman crew must be on hand to row at 4.45 today.

D. F. JONES.PIERIAN SODALITY. - Rehearsal this afternoon at 4.15 at Roberts Hall.

'92 ELEVEN. - The following men be on Norton's field at 3.15 sharp to play '93 Gray, Weed, Jones, Walcott, Newell, Allen, McKay, Hubbard, Brown, Lockett, Spalding, Green, Cooke, Forbes, Greenough, Loring.

J. L. PUTNAM,Captain.I SEE in yesterday's CRIMSON under Fact and Rumor that "there will be an hour examination in French 1a Thursday." It is quite erroneous. There will be no hour examination in French 1a.

