
Harvard 76; Phillips Academy 0.

The 'varsity eleven went to Andover yesterday afternoon and played with the Phillips Academy team. The game was encouraging in many ways. For the first time this year Harvard succeeded in running up a large score, and by good playing too. The academy team was weak in many points, and the players seemed a little rattled during a considerable part of the game; they played a plucky game from start to finish, however, and at one time pushed Harvard dangerously near her goal line. The work of the Harvard backs was the feature of the game; they supported each other beautifully, and all of them repeatedly made long gains. W. H. Shea and Highlands made a good showing at centre and right guard; Vail did not play in his usual form, but he was injured early in the game and this probably accounts for his play.

The game be game began with Harvard in possession of the ball. and two twenty-five minute halves were played. Harvard started in vigorously, and in less than a minute Lake, Trafford and Fearing by successive rushes carried the ball over Andover's line; Trafford kicked the goal easily. Score 6-0.

Andover now had the ball, and began aggressive play with a very excellent V which advanced the ball 18 yards. The academy boys followed this with two ineffectual efforts to break Harvard's centre; they then resorted to the criss cross trick and Woodruff escaped everybody out. Fearing, who brought him down with one of his octopus tackles. Andover could gain no more, and the ball soon went to Harvard. It was forced steadily towards Philips' goal and finally Fearing scored the second touch down around the left end; goal. Score 12-0. The story of the rest of the first half is much the same. And over could do nothing against the wonderful work of Harvard's backs. Before the twenty-five minutes were up Fearing had scored one more touch down, Trafford one and Lake three, from which Trafford kicked four goals. This made the score at the end of the half 40-0.

The second half was a repetition of the first. Andover made one excellent stand and with the ball on Harvard's fifteen yard line had a fighting chance to do something. Harvard braced at this point, however, and secured the ball. During the ball Lake and Fearing made some beautiful rushes, several carrying the ball half the length of the field. Lake scored four touch downs and Trafford and Fearing one each, from all of which Trafford kicked goals, making the total score 76-0 in Harvard's favor. The teams lined up as follows:



Hallowell (Bond) (2nd) Foster.

Newell, (tackle) Armstrong (Fuller).

Highlands, (guard) Coonley.

W. H. Shea, (centre) Perkins.

Vail, (guard) G. Robinson.

Grant, (back) Beal (Morrill).

Mason, (2nd) Sears

Lake, (half-backs) Woodruff.

Fearing (half-backs) Armstrong


Trafford, (full-backs) Greenway.

Referee - Mr. J. Knapp, P. A. 92. Umpire - Mr. G. Perry, L. S.
