
Game with Andover.

This afternoon the 'varsity eleven will play the Phillips academy team at Andover. Captain Trafford has returned from Springfield and will play.

Jarvis field was very slippery yesterday afternoon, and made respectable playing difficult. Vail, who is usually left guard on he 'varsity, was laid off for a slight injury to his knee. Two other men were hurt in the practice, Miller and who collided heavily. The result was a bad cut on the head for Miller, and a shock that stunned Blagden for some time. Blagden was all right again last night, and Miller doing well this morning.

Captain Trafford's absence necessitated a change in the team back of the line. Gage was at quarter back, as usual, but the second hall back beside Lake was Fearing instead of Gray whose wrist is still name.

The rush line was: Hallowell, right end; Newell, Heard, W. H. Shea, (centre); Highlands, Rantoul, Mason, left end.
