

'92 NOTICE. - There will be a meeting of last year's junior crew at 7.30 tonight at 10 Shepherd's Block. Very important.

J. O. PORTER.THERE will be a meeting of Worcester Academy men this evening at seven o'clock, at No. 23 Hilton.

WILL the fellow who took from Memorial Hall last Monday night a dark brown stiff hat, No. 7 1-8, from F. Savage & Co., leave the same at the auditor's office?

CONFERENCE FRANCAISE. - Meeting this (Wednesday) evening in No. 8 Robert's Hall, Brattle St., at 8 o'clock. All members of the University are cordially invited to be present.

W. H. GARLAND, Sec.LOST in Cambridge in vicinity of Harvard Sq, on Saturday, Oct. 3d. a ladies open-faced silver watch and chatelaine heavily oxidized. Finder will please return to 41 Hastings Hall.


