
Mr. Allen's Talk.

Mr. F. W. Allen, superintendent of the Episcopal City Mission, of Boston, spoke to the members of the St. Paul's Society last night on the work of the organization he represents. He emphasized especially the work being done in the hospitals and among the sailors in East Boston. Much good has been done by the Episcopal Mission in this work, and the field seems more open now than ever before. Especially is this true among the sailors. A Sailors' Mission Church is nearing completion in East Boston, and a house which shall be a sort of club for them is to be built during the summer. Mr. Allen's account of the work among these men was very interesting. Members of the society who might be interested in the work were invited to visit some of the missions.

In closing Mr. Allen spoke of the theatre services which are to be conducted on Sunday evening at Grand Opera House, beginning next Sunday. He hoped that Harvard men would make up a chorus to lead the singing.
