
Harvard Law School Association.

The fourth annual report of the treasurer of the Harvard Law School Association, Winthrop H. Wade, shows a remarkable growth of the association during the year. Organized September 23, 1886, it now numbers 1612 members. The membership roll comprises the names of nearly one-half of the whole number of former students of the Law School, known to be living, and includes representatives from the classes of 1825, 1829 and from every class from 1831 to the present time. It is of interest to know that Henry Brown of Michigan, who has just been appointed associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, is a graduate of the school and one of the vice-presidents of the association. The Law School is represented on the Supreme Court of the United States by Chief Justice Fuller, Justice Gray and Justice Brown. On the Supreme Court of Massachusetts the school is represented by Chief Justice Field and Justices Devens, Holmes, Charles Allen and J. M. Morton. The chief justices of Maine and New Hampshire are also former students of the School.

During the year 1890 twenty-one members have died and four have resigned, making the total number of deaths since the organization of the association fifty-one, and of resignations twenty. The following table shows the growth in membership of the association since the publication of the first regular report by the council on April 1, 1887:


membership. Increase.

April 1, 1887 560


Jan. 1, 1888 642 82

Jan. 1, 1889 822 180

Jan. 1, 1890 963 14

Jan. 1, 1891 1,612 619

The growth of the Law School has kept pace with that of the association. The number of students at the Harvard Law School for several years prior to the academic year 1886-87 varied between 150 and 158.

Acad. year. Number. Increase.

1886-87 188 30-38

1887 88 225 37

1888 89 225

1889 90 254 29

1890-91 279 25

The catalogue of the association is now in preparation, and will, it is hoped, be distributed before April 1, 1891.
