
B. A. A. Sparring Tournament.

On Monday, January 26, 1891, an Invitation Sparring Meeting will be given by the Boston Athletic Association. The weights will be as follows:

Bantam, 105 lbs. and under.

Feather, 115 lbs. and under.

Special, 125 lbs. and under.

Light, 135 lbs. and under.


Welter, 145 lbs. and under.

Middle, 158 lbs. and under.

Heavy, Any weight.

The competitions will be governed by the rules of the Amateur Athletic Union, and any amateur in good standing may apply for an invitation blank. The right to reject any entry will be reserved.

Cups will be given to the winners in each class. Provided three or more compete in any class. a cup will be given for second place. This second prize will be contested for by all competitors who have previously been beaten by the winner of that class.

Entry blanks and rules governing the contests may be obtained from H. S. Cornish, Athletic Manager of the Association. The entrance fee is one dollar for each event; entries will be received at Club House, Exeter Street, up to and including Saturday, January 17. 1891, at 10 p. m. No prizes will be given in any class without a contest.
