
U. of P. Indoor Games.

Preparations have been completed for the games to be given in the Philadelphia Academy of Music under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania A. A. during the latter part of this month. The events are open to all amateurs, and entries have been received from a large number of colleges and prominent amateur athletic organizations. The lower floor of the building has been fitted up as an athletic field and great care taken for the convenience of the contestants. Gold and silver prizes will be awarded the winners in each event and a special prize to the winner of the football kicking contest.

The events include the following: Mile, half mile and quarter mile run, 40 and 220 yards dash, running high jump and mile walk. Prominent society ladies have consented to act as patronesses, and judging from the interest taken, as heretofore the games will be entirely successful.

No Harvard men will be sent down by the H. A. A., but some may go on their own account.
