
Princeton's Athletic Team.

The first meeting of the candidates for the Princeton Track Athletic Team was held last Wednesday evening. Nearly seventy men presented themselves as applicants for positions. Among these were all of last year's team, except Dohm and Janeway. Other members present who scored points in the contest of last spring were Cary, Roddy, Bredenberg, Borcherling, Woodbridge, Jefferson and Turner. Among the most promising new men is Ramsden, who has made a record in the running broad jump nearly equal to the Inter-collegiate record. He will also enter the hurdle races. Other candidates who have done good work are Ottley, Hallock, Mottes, Swain, Schmidt and Norton. This year Princeton will send an increased number of men to contend for the Mott Haven cup. The disbanding of the Lacrosse Association will add greatly to the material for track athletics.
