
No Headline

The candidates for the Columbia crews have just gone into training. Metcalle '91, is captain, and Walter B. Peet will probably resume his position as coach. There is great need for a new launch and an effort is being made to raise $5,000.

The candidates for seats in the 'varsity eight are as follows: Metcalf '91, Tuttle '91, Norris '91, Enhein '92, Trippe '92, Smith '92, D. Baudler '92, Cheystie '92, Prince '93, McKee '93. S. Taintor '93, Oaker '93, Camp 93, Crosby '93, Roger '92, Speer '93. The average weight is 160 pounds.

There are thirty-seven men training for the freshman crew-nineteen from the School of Arts and eighteen from the School of Mines.
