
Fact and Rumor.

The elective pamphlet will be out Tuesday.

Linn will go to New Haven with the freshman nine today.

W. Alexander. L. S., has been coaching the freshman crew for the last few days.

Seniors can find their sophomore themes in Sever 1. All not taken before class day will be destroyed.

At lawn tennis Kerr has beaten Pettitt, in three day, nine sets to three, sixty-seven games to forty.


According to the regulations of the Bursar students intending to use college rooms for Class Day purposes, are requested to notify the janitor before tomorrow, June 14.

A scrub cricket team will leave here today for Concord, N. H., where a game will be played with St. Paul's School tomorrow. The Harvard team will be made up of the following men: Brown Garrett, Hewes, Davis, Corning, Carning, Carpenter, Henry, Barron, Parker, Chew and Balch.

In the middle of the fifth inning of the game between the Blue Jays and the Waverleys yesterday afternoon, when the score stood 13 to 5 in favor of the Waverleys, the Blve Jays refused to continue playing. The umpire awarded the game to the game to the Waverleys by a score of 9 to 0.

A meeting of the class football captains was held last night. Plans for the management of the teams were made, and the general duty of the captains made clear. Bowman, '91, will captain the senior team in place of Eass, '91, who will try for the 'varsity. Forbes, '92, and Ellsworth, '93, will occupy the same position as this year.

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Annual business meeting for the election of officers this (Friday) evening, June 13th, at 7 o'clock sharp in 12 Stoughton. Very important that all attend.
