

HARVRD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal tonight at 7.30 instead of 1.30 as announced.

C. J. F. BRUNGGER, Sec'y.PI ETA-All men intending to spread with the society must meet at the rooms Wednesday, May 7, at 1.30 p. m. Per order Com.

CONFERENCE FRANCAISE.- The play will be read this evening at Prof. Cohn's, 21 Buckingham Street. All must be present.

'92 NINE.- The following men will be dressed at the gymnasium at 3.15 sharp: Hale, Spalding, Bell, Curtis, Chase, Cook, Neff, Allen, Young, Carpenter, Thorndike.

J. W. CUMMIN.A BARGE will leave Bartlett's at 7.30 shap this evening for Brooks Hall, West Medford.


ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Prof. Harper of Yale University, at the invitation of the Y. M. C. A. and St. Paul's Society, will speak on the "Literary Character of the Bible" in Sever 11 Wednesday evening, May 7, at 7 o'clock. The public are cordially invited.

W. R. SEARS, Sec'y St. Paul's Society.IMPORTANT.- Owing to the lack of class spirit exhibited by '93 there will be no freshman tug. Those who have already paid for places can get their money by calling at Leavitt and Peirce's.

EDW. C. CULLINAN, Manager.H. U. C. A.- There will be a slow hare and hounds run Wednesday, May 7, open to all members of the university. Stant from the gymnasium at 4.15 sharp.

R. H. DAVIS.- 3i
