

HARVARD GLEE CLU B.- Rehearsal today at 1.30 (Tuesday).

C. J. F. BRUEGGER, Sec'y.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp. Everyone must attend who wishes to play in the concert.

C. K. BENNETT.SPRING CONCERT of Glee Club, Pierian Sodality, Banjo and Guitar Club. Tickets will be on sale to members at Thurston's Wednesday morning the 7th, at 7.30. Sale open to public at 9 o'clock Wednesday morning, the 7th.

'91 NINE.- Men must be at gymnasium dressed at 4 o'clock sharp.

'92 NINE.- The following men will be on Divinity at 2.30 sharpe Chase, Bell Cook, Allen, Carpenter, Thorndike, Neff.


J. W. CUMMIN.Senior class officers' group today, May 6, at 1.30 p. m. at Pachs. Officers are requested to keep the appointment and to be on time.

PHOTO. COM.H. U. G. A.- There will be a slow hare and hounds run Wednesday, May 7, open to all members of the university. Start from the gymnasium at 4.15 sharp.

R. H. DAVIS.- 3i
