
Final Report of the Delphi Committee.

CAMBRIDGE, 5th May, 1890.

The committee of the Classical Club, appointed to collect subscriptions for the fund for excavating Delphi, take this method of making a report to the University. They are happier to say that the generous sum of eleven hundred and ten dollars ($1110) has been promised or paid. This whole amount, except one hundred any sixty-two dollars ($162) was subscribed by undergraduates. The committee wish, also, to thank publicly these gentlemen, not members of the club, who have kindly given their time to the work of canvassing, as well as the editors of the CRIMSON and the Advocated for the use of their columns. It is still impossible to say whether the whole sum needed will have been collected by the Arc! x. ological Institute on the first of June, Should the endeavor, unhappily, be a failure, all money paid into the Harvard fund will be returned and all subscriptions cancelled. Due notice of success or failure will be given by the committee. In any event, Harvard men will have the satisfaction of knowing that in this instance, as often before, they have contributed their example and their money to further a most worthy undertaking.

For the committee,

M. H. MORGAN, Chairman.
