


Commencement Parts. Writers of Commencement Parts will meet Prof. A. S. Hill in Sever 5 at 4 p. m. The parts will then be returned for revision and appointments with the committee of the Academic Council will be made.

Divinity School Library. Debate. 4.15 p. m.

Academic Council. Stated meeting at University 5, 8 p. m.

Modern Language Conference. Meeting. Sever 11, 4 p. m.

The following papers will be presented:


Mr. J. M. Manly. "Some Observations on the Language of Chaucer."

Mr. H. McCulloch. "An Historical Study of the French Ballade."

Mr. W. H. Carruth. "The Beginnings of National Consciousness in Germany."

Open to members of the University.

Base ball. Harvard vs. Worcester. Holmes field, 4 p. m.

'90 vs. '93. Jarvis field, 4 p. m.
