

No Headline

We remind can vassers for the Delphi Fund that reports are due on April 28. Only a few days remand to finish work. The preliminary reports were encouraging, but there ought to be sufficient interest at Harvard in a scheme of such great importance to carry the contributions to a much higher sum than was then reached. Every man ought to have an opportunity to contribute his share, not only as a help to the cause of art and education, but in support of a college enterprise. Until the canvassers have completed their rounds, some winning contributors may be omitted from the lists. We urge all men interested in the Delpht Fund to make sure that Harvard's full share is promptly reported on the appointed date.

The Yale News has undertaken a commendable enterprise in inviting well-known graduates to publish their opinions on the dual league questions, In this way the students will be enabled to find out the true attitude of alumn on the subject, and to have it discussed, so far as any difference of opinion exists, better, perhaps, than it could be in a mass meeting. Already several graduates have sent letters to the News. and all have favored the dual league. There still seems to be, however, some misunderstanding of Harvard's attitude, and we should like, as far as possible, to correct it. One writer states: "This term [dual league] as used by the press, means, as I understand it, a proposition on the part of Harvard, that Yale will hind herself to contest with Harvard in all branches of athletics, to the exclusion of contests between Yale or Harvard and any other college."

We had supposed that any such interpretation had been finally corrected. It is not, and never has been. Harvard's desire, to exclude either Yale or herself from playing with any other college. We can find nothing in the proposed articles of agreement from which the mistake can have sprung. It must have come from the outside press. We hope that hereafter college graduates and undergraduates will base their opinions solely upon official announcements, and will not again fall into the error of supposing that Harvard wishes to prevent games with any college or colleges.
