
Fact and Rumor.

Holland, a freshman, will pitch for the Dartmouth nine this afternoon.

The junior shell was injured by running aground Thursday.

The marks of the recent examination in N. H. 3 were announced yesterday.

The Wesleyan Glee Club has just been on a tour as far west as Chicago.

The next intercollegiate tennis tournament will be held in New Haven, October 6.


The Princeton baseball cage, which was destroyed by the blizzard two years ago, is nearly rebuilt.

Members of Fine Arts 4 can obtain their marks in the last hour examination by leaving postal cards with Prof. Norton.

The Yale News is authority for the statement that Donnelly, of last fall's Princeton football team, has left college and gone into business.

Waters, the boat builder, looked over the freshman shell yesterday, and thinks that it can be repaired and returned to the boathouse by Wednesday April 30.

The March number of the Hobart Herald contains "Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight," a commencement part delivered here last June by H. B. Lathrop.

The following men from '91 have been elected the Philosophical Club. I. N. P. Stokes, J. Bass, P. Rhinelander, H. Tallant, R. B. Hale, A. Taussig, A. Fraser, J. A. Lowell.

Stagg allowed the strong New Haven nine only two scattering hits in the second game of the series between the Yale and the New Haven teams. Yale won the game by a score of 4 to 1.

O. Prescott, jr., and R. L. Emerson, were guests of the editors of the Yale Record at the eighteenth annual dinner in New Haven Wednesday night. Prescott responded to the toast "Lampy on the dual league."

Work has been begun on the new campus of the Yale Sheffield Scientific School. One side of the field will be laid out in tennis courts, and the other side will be put in condition for baseball and football.

Gustav Freitag's "Aus dem Staat Friedrichs den Grossen" will be read next in German 1a. Uhland's poems will be read in class for the next two weeks. Members of the course will be expected to have read Heyse's "Die Bruder" before the finals, although it will not be translated in class.
