
The Advocate.

The last number of the Advocate contains the best story that has appeared in that periodical for a long time. Though the "Twentieth Century Martyr" savors a little of the burlesque and would require some toning down to satisfy certain sticklers about good taste yet it is exceedingly witty and ingenious. The plot is amusing and is worked out with snap. Certain allusions to a respectable English lady novelist of the early part of this century will be appreciated by most of the readers of the story.

"A Tale of Compressed Vacuum" is another effective and amusing tale. The plot is original to say the least, and the climax is effectively reached.

The "Legend of Oster Island" is a clever and startling piece of word painting which gives promise of future excellent work.

"Marvin the Half Back" is the least successful contribution to the number. It contains many carefully written passages but the story would have been much better if written in a different key, and , as it stands, it seems incomplete.

"An Old Song New-Sung." the only verse in the number, contains some catching lines. It might perhaps have been improved by condensation.


The editorials are entirely devoted to athletics and discuss the report of the Conference Committee, the Weld Boat House and the resignation of Captain Herrick of the crew.
