
Mass Meeting.

A mass meeting of the students was field in Upper Massachusetts last evening at which the undergraduate committee appointed to draw up a constitution for the new Weld Boat house submitted a report of their work. S. Dexter, 1st, '90, called the meeting to Order, stated its object, and asked Captain Herrick to read the constitution and by-laws. After this reading, the constitution and by-laws were taken up and read article by article, discussed and adopted with amendments which are to be suggested to Mr. Weld and the trustees in regard to the clauses about membership dues, and the storing of boats. The following officers were then elected: president, J. W. Lund, '90; secretary, R. B. Hale, '91; governing board, R. F. Herrick, '90, W. M. Randol, '91, R. Saltonstall, '91, and D. D. Earle, '91. The constitution with the suggested amendments will be submitted to the trustees, and after their action on it, an opportunity will be given the members of the university to join the club at some time which the secretary may designate. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr. Weld for his munificent gift after which the meeting adjourned.
