
Yale and Second Regiment Games.

The annual games of the Yale Athletic Association and Second Regiment took place at the armory in New Haven Saturday night. Harvard had comparatively few men present, but they did very well and succeeded in winning four first and one second prizes. Yale, also did well. There was a large number of spectators present at the sports, and much interest was manifested, especially in the events in which the colleges sent contestants. Next year the new Yale gymnasium will probably be finished, and she will hold her winter games there instead of in company with the Second Regiment as the custom has been for several years past. The events and winners are as follows:

The winners in the trial heats in the fifty yards dash were: Morse, Yale; Hawes, Harvard; Dohm, Princeton; Robinson, Yale; Deming, Yale; Green, Harvard: Miller, Yale; Downs, Harvard; Rothschild, Harvard. The final heat was won by A. H. Green, M. A. C., and H. A. A., handicap 1 foot, in 5 4-5 seconds; W. C. Downs, N. Y. A. C., and H. A. A., handicap 5 feet, a close second.

One mile walk, in which competitors were from the Second Regiment, was won by C. A. Hunt, Company E, in 8 minutes, 45 seconds; A. Liveridge, second.

Fifty yards dash, Second Regiment, was won by F. J. Lee, Company E, scratch, in 6 1-5 seconds.

Two hundred and twenty yard hurdle race-Won by E. Lentilhon, Y. A. C., one yard handicap 1 yard, in 31 2-5 s.


The one mile run, Second Regiment, was won by M. H. Lee, Company C, 10 yards handicap, in 5 minutes 42 2-5 seconds; H. W. Embler second.

One mile walk-Won by C. A. Bardeen, H. A. A., handicap 25 seconds, in 7 minutes, 38 seconds; J. K. Punderford, Y. U. C., second.

Forty-four yard run-J. H. Clausen, of the B. A. C., won in 60 4-5 seconds.

The mile run was the great event of the evening and was won by J. P. Lloyd, Y. A. C., scratch, in 4 minutes, 53 seconds; W. S. French, N. Y. A. C., second.

Putting the shot-Won by W. P. Nugent of New Haven, 37 feet 7.5 in.

Running high jump-Won by A. H. Green, M. A. C. and H. A. A., 5 feet, 8 1-4 inches.

The fencing was won by W. J. Sullivan of Yale, With E. F. Trowbridge of New Haven second.

The trial heats in the 440-yards run were won by Morse, Yale, and Lentilhon, Yale. The final heat was won by C. H. Pierce, H. A. A., in 57 1-5 seconds; J. McQueeny of New Haven second.

The tug-of-war was won by the Pastime Athletic Club; Berkeley Lyceum, second.

W. B. Curtis of the N. Y. A. C. was the referee, and Colonel J. B. Doherty of the Second Regiment, C. H. Sherill, Yale '89, C. W. Whitney, and F. C. Walcott, Yale '91, were the judges.
