
Entries for the B. A. A. Games.

The H. A. A. will send a delegation of nearly sixty men to the B. A. A. games in Mechanic's Hall on February 15. The list of H. A. A. entries which closed Wednesday night is as follows: For the forty yards dash-Greenleaf, Fearing, Brown, Mason, Steinhart, Kent, Sternberg, Andrade, Downs, Batchelder, Green, Alwood, Rounsaville, W. F. Baker, Tompson, Wright, Read, Sidway, Jenkins, Rothschild, Powers, Tremain, J. Wendell, Hollis, H. R. Allen, Bennett, A. L. Walcott, Cook, Moen, Sturgis, J. Hale, Winslow, Ganson, Hawes, G. Lowell, Stead, Evans, and Eaton; for the 220 yards dash-Greenleaf, Brown, Kent, Hawes and Tompson; for 440 yards-Brown, Barron, Downs, Ganson, Stead, Wright, Sturgis; for 880 yards race-Downs, Endicott, Batchelder, J. Crane, jr., C. Walcott, Priest, Dodge, G. Lowell, Pike, A. H. Williams, Price and Blake; for the mile run-Collamore, Bates '92, Davenport, J. B. Paine, Gorham, Bardeen, Cohen, and A. White; for high jump-Fearing, Green; for pole vault-Mason, and J. Crane; for putting shot-H. R. Allen and Shea; for fifty-six pound weight-H. R. Allen. This makes a total of seventy-six entries by fifty seven men. The fifty yards dash has been changed to forty yards.
