
Appleton Chapel.

Rev. Lyman Abbott delivered a sermon last night to a large crowd of interested hearers. His text was the words of Christ reiterated frequently in the gospels-"follow thou Me." The common idea of Christianity is that if offers to the world the alternative of a Heaven in which all is joy and a Hell in which all is pain; Heaven is to be gained by "believing in the Lord Jesus Christ," and Hell by disbelieving. Why do not all believe? Because this idea is a pagan idea grafted upon the pure stem of Christian faith. Christ does not offer anything so easy or so tempting. He offers to the world what the world, does not want. "Follow thou Me!" What does this mean? Do as I do; serve not yourself, serve the world. To this spirit the world opposes the precepts; blessed are the warmakers, for they shall inherit the kingdoms of the earth, etc., etc. The world does not want what Christ offers. The choir sang the following: "Sing of Judgment," (from Mendelssohn's "Lauda Zion"); "As now the Sun's declining rays," Barnby; "Abide with me," Shelley.


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