
B. A. A. Cross Country Run.

The B. A. A. held a very successful handicap run from the house to Corey Hill and return, Saturday. The road was slippery and the course about six miles; Cornish arranged the handicaps. Twenty-six men started; Manley '93, who won the run Thanksgiving Day came in second, six and a half seconds behind Dowling, of the Crescent Boat Club, who had three minutes start of him, and finished in 39 min., 44 12 sec. Blake, H. A. A., who had 75 seconds handicap. was fourth and nine seconds behind Manley. Robbins '92, with 2 min. 45 sec. handicap finished number fourteen, and Stults '91, with the same handicap was seventeenth in. Twenty-three finished.

The success of this run and the one week before last has induced the club to give similar events for Christmas and New Year day.
