
Special Notices.

STUDENTS' BOARD.- A club table, also a general table, at BREWER'S, Brattle Square, Cambridge.

TABLE BOARD.- 13 Bow St. To those desiring superior table board Mrs. Metcalf offers a few seats at a general table and accommodations for two clubs of 4 to 8 persons. Terms $8 per week.

J. F. Ollson, 3 Harvard Row, has a large assortment of Etchings. Reproductions, Water Colors, Photographs, etc., on hand. All sizes and prices. Pictures Framed. All work done on premises. od nov.1

SCHOOL FOR DANCING.- Mr. G. E. Oakes, formerly of New York, will commence a school in Society Dancing at Lyceum Hall, on Thursday evening, Oct. 9th. Hours, 8 to 10. Finest references. Afternoon class, Thursday, October 16, 4 to 6. Terms, 12 lessons $8.00; 24 lessons, $15.00. 26 2w od

Miss M. L. Olsson, at 3 HARVARD ROW has a large and fine stock of UPRIGHT PIANOS which she can rent to STUDENTS at LOWER PRICES than can be procured in Boston. No charge for carting and tuning.


A good stock of Sheet Music, Musical Instruments. Strings, etc., constantly on hand. od nov 1

PAUL HERFURTH, Teacher of zither, guitar, mandolin and flute, also instrument repairing. Apply at Olsson's Music Store, Harvard Square. 13od6t

Mr. Warwick Cox, from Hill Brothers, London, attends at Parker House all next week, having a complete variety of new patterns for the coming winter. Morning up to 10.30 and after 3.30 p. m. daily. 13-3t
