
Shooting Club.

The first meeting of the Shooting Club for this year was held yesterday afternoon, and in spite of the wet grounds was a decided success. There were fifteen entries in the contest for the Founders' cup. W. Beal, '93, was the winner, with a score of ten birds out of a possible fifteen.

In match A, open to all, there were ten entries. Mackay, '92, was first with nine birds out of a possible ten; Stockton, '91, and Hastie, '93, were second with seven birds each.

Match B. was for those men only who have never won a prize of the shooting club. There were eight entries. Dodge, '91, was first with six birds out of ten, Putnam, '91, Hinkman, '94, and Hapgood, '94, tied for third place with five birds each.

The Founders' Cup is a challenge cup, shot for at the last match in every month. It belongs permanently to any man winning it four times consecutively or eight times during his college course.

Matches A and B continue for the next two shoots.

