
Overseers' Meeting.

An adjourned meeting of the Overseers of Harvard College was held Wednesday at 50 State Street. Solomon Lincoln presided. It was voted to concur with the President and Fellows in their votes as follows: Reappointing Josiah Royce, Ph. D., assistant professor of Philosophy for five years, from September 1, 1890; appointing John Baker Swift, M. D., clinical instructor in diseases of women for 1890-91; appointing Professor John Wesley Churchill instructor in elocution in the Divinity School for 1890-91. The report of the committee on printing was presented and adopted. The consideration of changes in the academic department was postponed. Petitions concerning the right of suffrage for overseers, from members of the medical faculty and others, were referred to J. T. Morse, Dr. G. B. Shattuck and F. Rawle.
