

THEATRE SERVICES.- Those who are to sing in the theatre services at the Grand Opera house next Sunday, Jan. 5, should leave Cambridge by the City Point car which leaves Harvard square at 6.14. Singing begins at 7.

H. A. A.- Will all the men who wish to try for the Mott Haven team, whether they have handed in their names or not, please meet (dressed for exercise) in the gymnasium, Tuesday, January 7, at 4.10 p. m.

LOST.- Before the recess, a Delmar's Spanish grammar and a Gil. Blas, both somewhat used. Please return to J. E. Spurr, 9 College House.

NINETY-ONE CREW-All candidates for the junior class crew will meet at 36 Hilton block, Tuesday evening, January 7, at 7.15 p. m.
